

2013-6-11 19:57 |显示全部帖子

  4月萌生去澳大利亚看男友顺便旅行的想法,跑了两家旅行社,因为集各种敏感词于一身(单身女 白本 工作仅一年 无房无车 银行流水不漂亮等等等),都说这种情况被拒几率很大,懊丧之余发现澳新通,看到大家的经历,觉得既然如此还是自己做功课准备材料签证吧。

  1. Checklist-600-Toursit-Stream-First-Visits-China-CN
  2. 1419chs(全部要英文大写,写废了好多张,所以最后整理出纸张颜色都不一样,内附两张汇款复印件)
  3. 54表(貌似粗心只交了英文部分一张
  4. 护照原件(最后页要签名哦,高中毕业办港澳通行证顺便一起办了,但是没出国过,白本一个
  5. 护照复印件×2 (没印封面,只印了第一页)
  6. 近期两寸照片(准备了两张一张直接贴在1419表上了,一张预防万一夹在了护照内页,因为护照不是近期办的还提供了一张护照上的照片)
  7. 户口复印件(整本复印,父亲,母亲,我的页面,模版翻译)
  8. 身份证复印件(正反都印,模版翻译)
  9. 银行流水×2 (大学毕业工作不到一年,工资卡未办,以前没有及时发工资存款的习惯,所以银行流水不是很漂亮,两张银行卡,一份是工行卡平时网购用的流水多但是数额不大,一份是哈尔滨银行卡余额2w+,资金流动不频繁但是数额较前一张大,两张都不是工资卡,而且也没有信用卡)
  10. 存款证明原件 (因为觉得自己的流水比较混乱,没有信心所以从父亲卡转账5w到工行卡,存定期冻结到9月1日。)
  11. 工作证明 (我是教师,所以提供了学校的准假信,校长签字盖章,工作证明只交了一份英文的 )
  12. 教师资格证复印件(自己翻译)
  13. 毕业证复印件(因为是师范院校毕业,只想证明我所学专业以及教师身份,自己翻译)
  14. 学位证复印件(同上,自己翻译)
  15. 给签证官的信(综合论坛朋友写的信,根据自己情况又拟了一份,显得无比真诚,只交了一份英文的,内附和男友n年前大头贴)
  16. 旅行计划(自己做功课然后根据模版简单写了一份)
  17. 中文邮寄地址联系方式(我是邮寄方式递签,所以联系方式单独打印在一张纸上了)

  1. 身份证复印件(父母两份,翻译模版)
  2. 存款证明(父亲提供7w存款证明,未冻结)
  3. 房产证×2 (父母名下各一处,翻译模版)
  4. 购房合同×2 (整本复印但只翻译了重要部分)
  4. 行驶证×2 (父母名下各一份,翻译模版)

  1. 邀请函(英文一份,参照模版,男友签字扫描过来,我打印出来)
  2. 护照复印件 (整本,有效签证页,男友拍照邮件发给我的,我去打印社修了修,黑白打印出来的)

  5月23日 周四 邮寄材料
  5月24日 周五 EMS到上海但因为大使馆休息,没有递送成功
  5月27日 周一 大使馆签收邮件,致电大使馆说周三能出VLN码 (EMS时选择了短信通知服务)
  5月28日 周二 大使馆受理材料 (要到VLN码后查的)
  5月29日 周三 致电大使馆要到VLN码
  6月10日 周一 签证受理第10个工作日
  6月11日 周二 就是今天,签证受理第11个工作日,上午发催签信,下午将近四点大使馆电调电话两次但是我全没有及时接到,失落到腿软,查了VLN没进程没变化,回拨了大使馆电话没的接,手捧手机再次失落到腿僵,最后无力查了下邮件看会不会有邮件,果然!!!



2013-6-11 20:01 |显示全部帖子

May 19th, 2013
Visa Office, Australian Consulate-GeneralShanghai, China

Dear Visa Officer,
  This is XXX writing you a letter with great respect, I hope it can help you know me better.
  I graduated from XXX Normal University in 2012 and have been working for the No.XX Senior High School since then. I’m a English major, to be a teacher and travel to English speaking countries are all my dream. But the reality is very cruel, our normal university students’ employment pressure is very serious, it’s not easy to be a “real” teacher, I prepared the recruiting teachers test for the whole period of my senior year, I had to gave up many things, including Graduation trip - the best chance to travel with my boyfriend, but my efforts were not in vain, I received the offer letter in June, I passed the exam!!! It means I became a real people's teacher, but it also means that I should immediately into working state, I have no time to travel except summer vacation or winter vacation.
  As you know my boyfriend studies in Melbourne for three years, we have maintained our love relationship since 2007, Australia is the best choice for me to choose, during my university period my favorite subject is Survey of Britain and America, maybe it’s also because of him, I want to more about Australia. Sydney Opera House is the landmark of Australia, a romantic harbour name called Daring, at Bondi Beach can see hot shawty enjoy sunbath, Phillip Island’ fairy penguin and the village of Torquay which is at the entrance of Great Ocean Road famous as surfing... Everything is full of magic to attract me to share with lover. I know Australia has many charming places except Sydney or Melbourne, but my summer vacation is limited, I clearly aware that my students needs me, they are more important than my enjoyments, I have many chance to travel, but my students only has one chance to get to the college entrance examination.
  I’m a new teacher.I have passion for my career. I will not give up my career easily. I can earn almost 3500yuan each month. My parents are still at work now. They can provide me with sufficient money. In addition, my boyfriend in Melbourne will provide me with living places. So I have confidence to support my trip to Australia. XXX is my hometown. My parents have lived there for over 25 years, and they have good annual incomes. My parents enjoy their convenient and comfortable lives in XXX with other family members including grandparents. I certainly will come back to XXX, where there is my home as well as my family, many other relatives, my students.



2013-6-11 20:09 |显示全部帖子

Invitation Letter

Dear Honorable Consul:

  My name is XXX, and I would ask that you accept this letter as my letter of invitation for my  girl friend XXX to visit me temporarily in the Australia .She has the means to financially support herself during this temporary trip to the Australia ,and I will be willing and able to provide accommodation during the Melbourne trip if need be.

  This visit will not be longer than 20 days, and XXX will return to China on time. She has the family ties and she needs back to prepare the new term teaching, financial backing to support this claim. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding XXX application to visit the Australia.

  For your information, I have included the following information about myself:

Passport No,: XXX
Date of Birth: XXX
Current Residential Address: XXX
Telephone: XXX
E-Mail Address: XXX
  In the event that you require further information about me and XXX, please feel free to contact me at XXX or by mail at any of the above address.

  Thank you for your time and consideration.




2013-6-12 00:13 |显示全部帖子

回复 小丸子walkstars 的帖子

我也是得益于大家的经验分享啊 有这么个交流平台真的好棒。
我打算8月或者9月去 说正好是澳洲冬天 因为我主要落脚在墨尔本 不知道8 9 10月份墨尔本会多冷呢? 女生穿衣有什么建议呢


2013-6-12 00:14 |显示全部帖子

回复 小丸子walkstars 的帖子

地址已经离线消息过去啦 没收到的话我可以发留言板


2013-6-12 21:44 |显示全部帖子

回复 elle86 的帖子

时间有点紧张吧 我也第一次签啦 不是很清楚


2013-6-15 18:10 |显示全部帖子

签证回来了 一年多次往返 再次感谢论坛里的朋友们