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jaylonggg 发表于 2016-5-24 17:41


[/b][align=left]尊敬的签证官阁下:[/align][align=left]    您好![/align][align=left]相当冒昧在百忙之中打扰您,但本人不得不获得阁下的支持及帮助,故特此向您致函。[/align][align=left]我的名字是张XX(护照号码:XXXXXXX),我的妻子名字是王X(护照号码:XXXXXX)。原计划于2016年4月30号至2016年5月9日,度过我们为期9天的悉尼蜜月之旅。(由于我们未预留好足够的签证办理时间,4月30日时我们没有收到关于签证的消息,所以4月30日我们先改签了机票并重新预约了酒店)。2016年4月22日贵国使馆收到了我们赴澳旅游签证申请以及所需的材料,于2016年5月3日电调后被告知拒签,给我的拒签理由是“我认为没有证明你在中国有充分的经济,家庭,雇佣关系或者其他约束力能使你你在旅行结束后返回中国”,因为电调回答不一致导致“我不满意你是否坦诚了你去澳大利亚的原因”。我妻子的拒签理由是因为我没有通过签证。[/align][align=left]得到消息后,我们感到非常失落,一切都归咎于我在电调时没有给签证官提出的问题一个及时准确的答复。我感到非常自责,但即使这样,我认为还是很有必要给您写信,解释一些重要的问题。毕竟我们非常想去悉尼完成我们的蜜月之旅。[/align][align=left][color=rgb(50,50,50)][font=新宋体][size=9.0000pt]1.[/size][/font][/color]关于工作经济情况。[/align][align=left]我在无锡学习4年,工作7年,现就职于无锡XXXXXX有限公司,担任光纤通讯部门销售经理,该部门独立运营,共3人,业务自理,主要从事光纤通讯行业出口贸易,收入稳定。这份工作是我在经过仔细考虑后辞掉了央企的工作选择的,我非常重视和珍惜。在这里我有更好的发挥空间,也会有更好的薪资待遇,为了更好的生活。2012年购置一套房产定居无锡,2014年购置一部轿车改善生活。妻子在无锡学习4年,上海学习2年半,苏州工作4年,现就职于XXXXX事务所(特殊普通合伙),任高级审计员,国家注册会计师,收入稳定。我夫妻二人对目前工作及收入状况十分满意,非常愿意继续从事现任工作,所以我们不会放弃国内的工作,旅行归国后肯定立即返回原公司上班。现提供5万元银行冻结存款证明,银行流水,工资账单及5万元活期存款(自去年婚后,我们一直在积攒旅游基金),往返机票与酒店费用(除了最后一晚,到店支付)已经全部付清,5万元活期存款足够我们在悉尼旅行消费使用。[/align][align=left][color=rgb(50,50,50)][font=新宋体][size=9.0000pt]2.[/size][/font][/color]关于家庭情况。[/align][align=left]我与我的妻子相识11年,相恋9年,已于2015年X月X日登记结婚,2015年X月举行婚礼。由于当时我刚加入XX工作,我妻子的工作在10月以后也非常忙碌,婚礼后,我们各自返回了工作岗位没有休假度蜜月。平时由于工作需要,夫妻二人各自在所在城市工作,虽然相距不远(无锡与苏州),但相聚时间较正常家庭还是要少,因此我们格外珍惜一起的假期和相伴出游的机会。我和妻子都是独生子女,我们非常爱我们的大家庭,父母也非常需要我们,虽然在外工作,但我们几乎每月都会抽一个周末回家。在澳洲我们人生地不熟,没有亲戚和朋友,没有理由长期待在澳大利亚,因此我们为了我们的大家庭在结束旅行后肯定要回国投入亲人跟好友的怀抱。[/align][align=left][color=rgb(50,50,50)][font=新宋体][size=9.0000pt]3.[/size][/font][/color]关于旅行情况    [/align][align=left]我和我的妻子在去年完婚后就打算在今年抽空去悉尼,作为婚礼后的正式蜜月旅行。我们本来打算在五一期间出游,由于时间仓促,没有赶上,我们重新改到了6月4日至11日,中间有3天端午节假期,因此我们只需要额外请4天假。我们两人都非常向往悉尼,阳光,大海,沙滩,森林,当我们决定就是悉尼时,我们仿佛看见了考拉在向我们招手。于是我提前将往返机票和酒店全部预订完成,等着签证完成4月30日就可以与我心爱的妻子一起前往这块美丽的大陆。但是事与愿违,第一次送签被拒了,由于我的电调问题,让我们未拿到签证,我感到非常的自责与对我妻子的愧疚。但是我觉得我不能放弃这次机会,我还是要带着我的妻子前往悉尼去享受那里的一切。所以准备此次签证的同时也跟航空公司及酒店联系,说明了情况,希望能做调整,航空公司与酒店非常欢迎我们,也将机票调整到了6月4日出发,6月11日返回,酒店收取了费用同时将为我们保留房间到8月底。现提供改签后的不退款机票的行程单及酒店沟通邮件。[/align][align=left]      我们二人将在悉尼自由行,充分的体验当地的日常生活,前往各个旅游景点参观,领略悉尼的文化积淀。现提供悉尼一周的观光行程单以说明我夫妻二人一周的活动安排。由于重新安排行程,在国内的准假时间也重新做了调整,由原来的9天调整为现在的一周。假期结束后立刻回国上班。(第一次送签时没有附上行程单,我们简单的认为既然申请旅游签证就是为了旅游目的,没有其他的想法,没有想到专门说明这一点。被拒签后,我们意识到签证官每天要面对大量的申请,而且肩负着甄别申请人意图的繁重工作,申请人应该自己的旅行目的做出清晰的陈述。作为申请人,我们有义务向签证官保证我们的申请目的只是为了旅行。)[/align][align=left]4.关于第一次电调的情况。[/align][align=left]贵国使馆是2016年5月3日下午分别打电话给我公司人力资源领导跟我,问了四个问题。[/align][align=left]第一,“张祥龙现在在哪?在不在公司?”他的回答是“不在公司,在出差”。我的回答是“我在从我妻子老家回无锡的路上”。[/align][align=left]实际情况是我节前一直出差,五一劳动节放假就直接与我妻子回家乡看望父母及家中老人,请了5月3日一天的假,5月4日上班。公司人事未得到通知,认为我在出差实属正常。[/align][align=left]第二,“张祥龙是什么时候进单位的?”他的回答是“去年”。我的回答是“去年9月”。[/align][align=left]第三,“张祥龙的工资是怎么发放的,现金还是打卡?”他的回答是现金。我的回答是现金。[/align][align=left]第四,“什么时候发放?”他的回答是“每月4号”。我的回答是“每月20号”。[/align][align=left]    实际情况是他的回答是无锡博凡(不包含我们部门)的发薪日。而我们部门包括我在内有3个人,我们的发薪日是每月20号,这两块薪水发放是独立分开的。人力资源领导与我的回答都属实。[/align][align=left]    另外,贵国使馆单独询问了我个人一个问题。[/align][align=left]    “你们公司的具体地址?”我的回答是“无锡市中山路”。[/align][align=left]实际情况是我们部门工作地址在无锡市XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,独立的办公室。而非公司所在地址无锡市XXXXXXXXXX。递交材料中要求写的是公司地址。作为在无锡学习生活了11年的无锡人,我发誓我知道从无锡的每个角落前往公司的线路,我知道公司周边都有些什么大型的单位(无锡市第二人民医院对面,毗邻无锡地铁一号线南禅寺站1号口,等等),但是我确实忽略了公司的门牌号码。[/align][align=left]非常遗憾,上面提到的两点差异以及一点疏忽也令签证官阁下认为我的工作状态不可信,从而导致拒签。尊敬的签证官阁下,请恕我补充,我必须解释电调当时的状态。当时我们正在高速公路上行驶,路况非常复杂,车流量大而且即将有岔路选择,(接通后我有说明当时情况)接到电话后我边关注路面情况,边进行电调,所以签证官每问一个问题,我都是第一时间,实事求是的回答,因为我确实没有额外的精力。当我听签证官说我人力资源领导的口供跟我不一致时,我彻底困惑了,脑中一片空白。紧接着问我地址,我也没有能答上,也没有及时解释清楚原因,随后签证官结束了电调。我对没能很好的配合签证官的调查,没能清楚的解开签证官的疑惑表示最诚挚的歉意。非常希望我此次对电调问题的解释对您的判断有所帮助。[/align][align=left]拒签的经历让我十分愧对我的妻子,因为我的原因使这次蜜月之行未能如期进行,她虽然看上去很平静,但我知道她的内心其实很失落。所以我们准备完整的资料再次向阁下递交签证,请求您的审核。[/align][align=left]尊敬的签证官阁下,我们对这次旅行筹备已久,在众多的旅游胜地,我们选择了贵国悉尼成为我们夫妻正式蜜月的唯一一站,想在我们夫妻双方的爱情经历中,有个浪漫而又难忘的经历。鉴于此,我再次向阁下提出了旅游签证申请,并承诺按照旅行计划,结束后立即回国。希望能给予通过。[/align][align=left]    此致[/align][align=left]敬礼![/align][align=right]申请人:XXXXXXXXX[/align][align=right]2016年5月5日[/align]
[b][font=Calibri][size=22pt]Letter of Clarification[/size][/font][/b][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]Dear Visa officer:[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]I am writing to seek your support and help regarding my wife[/color][color=#323232]’[/color][color=#323232]s and my [/color][color=#323232]traveler's visa application to Australia.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]My name is Zhang xx (passport number: Gxxxxxxx). My wife's name is Wang xxx (Passport number: Exxxxxx). We originally planned to spend a nine-day's honeymoon trip in Sydney from April 30, 2016 to May 9 2016. (We didn't received news of our visa till the original planned day of leaving since we miscalculated the days of visa application process, so we rescheduled our flight and hotel on April 30, 2016). On April 22, 2016, the Australia Embassy received our visa application materials and rejected our application on May 5, 2016 after a phone call with me. The reason of my refusal is "[/color][color=#323232]I find that you have not demonstrated you have sufficiently strong financial, family, employment or other commitments in China that would be an incentive for you to return to China.[/color][color=#323232]"[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]My wife and I were very frustrated when receiving our refusal letter. I feel responsible for it since I did not give the visa officer a timely and accurate reply during my phone interview. My wife and I are so looking forward to our honeymoon trip in Sydney that I must write to you to explain certain crucial questions and to clarify previous misunderstanding concerning our visa application.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]1.About our working and economic condition[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]I spent 4 years in university and have worked for 7 years in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. I am currently employed by Wuxi xxxxxxxxxx Corporation ("Wuxi xxxxxx" as sales manager of its independently-operated optical-fiber communication export department with a stable salary income. In September 2015, I quitted my job in a state-owned enterprise and joined Wuxi Brilliant for a more challenging work and flexible environment. I bought my apartment in 2012 and owned my first car in 2014. My wife studied 4 years in Wuxi and 2 and half years in Shanghai then chose to work in Suzhou ( a nearby city of Wuxi, 45 minutes' drive) after graduation. She joined Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountant LLP (DTT CPA LLP) in September, 2012 and renewed her three year's contract with DTT CPA LLP, Suzhou Branch since January, 2016 as a senior auditor. She is a Chinese certified public accountant. My wife and I are happy and content with our life in China and we both value our current career very much. We will come back to China and resume our work as soon as we returned from our trip in Australia. In our application, we provide bank guarantee certificate of RMB 50K frozen for three months, bank statement, pay slips and current deposit of RMB 50K (we have been saving up some traveling funds since we got married last year). We have already paid our round-trip tickets and hotel room (except for the last night which shall be paid when arriving). Our traveling fund will enable us to spend a holiday that is by no means extravagant but as comfortable as we could afford.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]2[/color][color=#323232]. Regarding our family[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]My wife and I have known each other for 11 years and registered for marriage in August 6, 2015. We held our wedding ceremony in Oct 2015[/color][color=#323232]. Back then, I newly joined Wuxi Brilliant and [/color][color=#323232]my[/color][color=#323232] wife's work became very busy [/color][color=#323232]in the fourth quarter of every year, so we returned to work after our wedding ceremony and did not take our honeymoon trip. My wife and I work in different cities, though not very far part, we have less time together then other couples. Therefore, we cherish our vacations together and carefully plan our trip. My wife and I are both the only child of our parents. We love our family very much and we regularly visited our parents once a month in weekends. Under no circumstances will we leave our beloved parents to reside in another country. [/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]3.[/color][color=#323232]About our trip[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]My wife and I have been planning to spend our honeymoon first time as a couple in Sydney after our wedding ceremony in last year. We initially planned to travel in May but since we missed it, we rescheduled it to June 4 to June 11. During this period, there are three day's National holiday for Dragon boat festival, so we only need to take four extra days off. We have always been longing for the sunshine, ocean beach and forest in Sydney and when we finally made our decision to travel, we were very excited and we even pictured cute koala waving to us. I pre-booked a round-trip ticket and hotel then waited our visa to bring my wife to visit Sydney. However, our visa applications were refused and I feel obligated since I didn't properly response to the question the visa officer raised during my phone call interview. But I thought our trip to Sydney shouldn't be thrown away given all the preparation and expectations we have for it. Therefore, when preparing for our second visa application, I also contacted the airline company and hotel to state our condition. The airline company agreed to endorse our tickets to June 4 and the hotel agreed to extend our reservation till end of August. Itinerary receipt for airline tickets (non-refundable) and emails communicating with hotel were also attached in our application materials.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]We are planning a self-guided tour in Sydney to fully experience the local life and culture as well as visit various tourist attractions. We also attached our visiting itinerary to explain our arrangement. We adjusted our trip length from nine days to seven days. (We did not submit our visiting itinerary in our first application, because we simply thought that our application of traveler's visa is self-explanatory. If people weren't going to go sightseeing in Australia, why would they apply for the traveler's visa? It was until we received visa refusal letter from our visa office that we realized if we did not properly present and prove our traveling intention to the visa officer, we left him with no other choice but to act with professional precaution and discretion. It is our responsibility to ensure our visa officer that we have no other purpose but to spend our holiday in Australia and will come back immediately as promised)[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]4.About my phone interview in first application.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]The Australia Embassy called the human resource department and myself on May 3, 2016 and asked the following questions:[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]First question, "Where is Mr Zhangxianglong now? Is he in the Company?" HR replied "he is not in the Company now. He is on a business trip" while I replied "I am on the way from my wife's hometown to Wuxi."[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]The actual situation is I had been visiting clients since late April. During Labour day holiday (from April 30 to May 2), my wife and I went back to her hometown to visit our parents and other family members. I told my direct leader that I would take a day off on May 3 and came back to work on May 4. Our HR hasn't notified so he thought I was also visiting client that day.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]Second question, "When did Zhangxianglong join the Company?" HR answered " Last year" while I replied "in September, last year".[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]Third question, "How is Zhangxianglong's salary paid?" HR answered "by cash" and My answer was also by cash.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]Forth question "When is the salary day?" HR answered "Fourth of each month" while I replied "Twentieth of each month" [/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]Fourth of each month is my company's other department's (including HR) salary day. My department has three staff (including me) and we get paid on twentieth of each month, a different date. Both HR's and my answer was the actual situation.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]In addition, the visa officer specifically asked me about the address of my company. I replied "Zhongshan Road, Wuxi". Actually, the department I work in has a separate office located in xxxxxxxx while my company is located in xxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#323232] as filled in my application form. As I have lived in Wuxi for 11 years, I know the route to my company from every corner in Wuxi and I am familiar with every major buildings around my company (Across the street is No 2 People's Hospital of Wuxi and No. 1 Exit of Wuxi metrolien 1 is nearby, etc.), but my company's room number did slip my mind in the phone interview.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]Greatly to my regret, the discrepancy between HR's and my reply and my own carelessness caused the visa officer to believe my working condition is questionable and further lead to my visa application refusal. My wife and I were on the highway when I received the visa officer's call. There was heavy traffic on the highway and we were about to enter a cross road. I was checking the road sign and watching traffic condition for my wife when my phone rang. I know it was the embassy so I had to take it. [/color][color=#323232]First I told the officer the traffic situation I faced at that moment and then [/color][color=#323232]I immediately and honestly answer every question the visa officer asked though under that condition, I could hardly spare extra attention. When I heard the visa officer said my confession was inconsistent with HR's, I was totally confused. Immediately, he asked my Company's address and I failed to answer and didn't explain the reason in time. Then he finished the phone interview. I feel deeply sorry and sincerely apologize for not being properly cooperated with the phone investigation and resolving the visa officer's doubt in time. I genuinely hope my explanation for the whole process could help to clarify the previous confusion.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]I feel very sorry to my wife about our visa refusal, because it is mainly because of me that we weren't able to take our honeymoon trip as we planned. Though she seems to take it in a calm manner, but I know she is actually very disappointed but simply chose to hide it in case I felt worse. Therefore, we prepared our application material again and asking for your review. [/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]Dear Visa officer, we have been planning for this trip since last year. Among numerous tourist resorts, we choose to take a holiday in Sydney to spend our honeymoon as we both admire this city and wish to have a memorable trip there. Therefore, [/color][color=#323232]my wife and I [/color][color=#323232]again submit our traveler's visa application to you and solemnly promise that we will come back to China as soon as our trip ends. We are look forward to your kind approval.[/color][/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Arial][size=3][color=#323232]Warmest regards, [/color][/size][/font][/align][align=right][color=#323232][font=Arial][size=3]xx/xx[/size][/font][/color][/align][align=right][color=#323232][font=Arial][size=3]5/5/2016[/size][/font][/color][/align]

小丸子 发表于 2016-5-27 16:06


小丸子 发表于 2016-5-27 16:10


小丸子 发表于 2016-5-27 16:11


jaylonggg 发表于 2016-5-30 16:30


小丸子 发表于 2016-5-30 16:35

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]jaylonggg 发表于 2016-5-30 16:30[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=171935&ptid=38618][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
感谢小丸子大人,默默的汲取了很多养分,就像你说的那样,要认真准备,材料要充分。签证官原话,我打电话给 ...[/quote]



jaylonggg 发表于 2016-6-4 18:49


狻猊角端 发表于 2016-6-5 21:00


狻猊角端 发表于 2016-6-5 21:44


狻猊角端 发表于 2016-6-5 21:48


狻猊角端 发表于 2016-6-5 21:54


狻猊角端 发表于 2016-6-5 21:59


狻猊角端 发表于 2016-6-5 22:02


狻猊角端 发表于 2016-6-5 22:09


小丸子 发表于 2016-6-6 11:04

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]狻猊角端 发表于 2016-6-5 22:09[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=172412&ptid=38618][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]

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