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小丸子 发表于 最后更新 2019-7-4

旅游英语口语 App&自学版 最后更新 2019-7-4

“旅行比你想象的要容易。我只会说一点点汉语,然而我却游遍了中国,一点障碍都没有。在汽车站,会有人卖给我车票;在餐馆,会有人把饭菜摆在我面前;在旅馆,会有人帮我找房间。当你在中国境外旅游时,你会发现我所遇到过的这些事情同样会发生在你的身上。这个世界是如此广阔,如此美丽。来吧,来感受它吧。”  by Lonely Planet共同创始人 Tony Wheeler










小丸子 发表于 2011-11-9 21:49



[size=10.5pt]旅游英语口语自学版 来自[/size][url=http://daoduoduo.com/thread-80-1-1.html]岛多多[/url],补充租车篇

[size=10.5pt][b]1. [/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]托运行李
[/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]2. [/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]飞行过程中的英语[/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]
3. [font=宋体]在境外转机[/font][/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]
4. [font=宋体]抵达目的地,入关
[/font][/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]5. [font=宋体]从目的地返回时过安检[/font][/b][/size]

[size=10.5pt][b]1. [font=宋体]托运行李[/font][/b][/size]
-  递给对方护照和机票,对方可能会问:
    How many luggages are you checking in? (有多少件托运行李?)
    Do you have a carry on? (有手提行李没?)
    Can you place your baggage up here? (请把行李放上来(传送带/小盒子))
-  出票前可能会问:
    Do you prefer window or aisle? (想靠窗还是靠走廊)如果对方不问你,但是你想找个靠窗座位,可以说
    Can I have a seat closest to the window?
-  最后,对方给你登机牌,会告诉你登机门号和时间:
    Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket.
    They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then.
    C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you."
* 如果你行李超重,对方会说 your luggage is overweight. 以上问题回答都是yes, no的就  不写了。

[size=10.5pt][b]2. [/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]飞行过程中的英语
[/b]- 其实没什么好说的,无非是让你选餐时,你选chicken还是beef此类的.....你就说
  Chicken please 一切OK. 如果想要东西时,句型很简单,就是
  Excuse me, Could I have a cup of orange juice, please 这种.

* 如果冷想多要一个毯子可以说 Could I get another blanket, please, I'm a little cold.
* 如果要在飞机上填入境表,没有笔可以说:
  Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form?

* 如果要找个人换座,可以说:Would it be possible to change seats with someone?
* 如果有人坐在你椅子上了,可以说: I'm sorry, I think you are in my seat.
* 机场广播一般.....不用听懂.....空乘可能会提醒你的就是:
  Please fasten your seat belt (请系紧安全带)这类。[/size]

[size=10.5pt][b]3. [/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]在境外转机[/b][/size][size=10.5pt]
转机时,先看机票上的航班号,然后从机场的航班指示屏幕上找到该航班在那个[font=Times New Roman]GATE[/font][font=宋体]登机,最后顺着机场标示走到这个[/font][font=Times New Roman]GATE[/font][font=宋体]就好,不需要说话。但特殊情况可能是,你到了后,发现屏幕上有你要转的航班号,但是后面的[/font][font=Times New Roman]GATE[/font][font=宋体]是空的,这时候你可以向机场工作人员确认下 [/font][font=Times New Roman]hello, could you tell me which gate is for the flight XXX[/font][font=宋体](航班号) [/font][font=Times New Roman]please[/font][font=宋体], 一般他们都会回答这个飞机[/font][font=Times New Roman]delay[/font][font=宋体]了,或者在[/font][font=Times New Roman]maintain , [/font][font=宋体]需要再等待一下。[/font][/size]
4. [/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]抵达目的地,入关[/b][/size]
海关:where did you fly from? 或者 where have you come from?
你:from China
May I have your passport and sth, please?)
海关:what is the purpose of your visit?
你: travel. (如果是探亲,就是 I'm visiting my relatives.)
海关:How long are you planning to stay?
你:Two weeks.
海关:Where will you be staying?
你:I'll be staying at a hotel。

[size=10.5pt][b]5. [/b][/size][size=10.5pt][b]从目的地返回时过安检(托运那块和开始是一样的)[/b][/size]
[size=10.5pt]- [font=宋体]安检基本上不说话,顶多是查的严时让你脱掉鞋和皮带:[/font][/size]
[size=10.5pt]  Take off your belt / Take your shoes off. [font=宋体]什么的

[/size][size=3][b]6. 实用单词[/b][/size]

[tr][td]姓:Family name,Surname
名:First Name,Given name
男:male; 女:female
国籍:nationality,country of citizenship
护照号:passport number
原住地:country of origin
前往国:destination country
登机城市:city where you boarded
签证签发地:city where visa was issued
签发日期:date of issue
出生日期:date of birth,birth date
偕行人数:accompanying number
官方填写:official use only
商务签证:Business Visa
观光签证:Tourist Visa
托运的行李:Checked baggage
行李领取处:Baggage claim area
随身行李:Carry-on baggage
行李牌:Baggage Tag
[/td][td] 行李推车:Luggage Cart
退税处:Tax-free refund
盥洗室(厕所):Lavatory,washroom,toiletW.C.=water closet,rest room
机内免税贩卖:In-Flight Sales
钱币兑换常用词汇外币兑换店:Currency Exchange Shop
汇率:Exchange rate
旅行支票:Traveler's check
银行买入价:We buy(Bid)
银行卖出价:We sell(Ask)
入境大厅:Arrival Lobby
出境大厅:Departure Lobby
机门号码:Gate Number
登机证:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass
机场税:Airport Tax
登机手续办理处:Check in Counter
海关申报处:Customs Service Area
货币申报:Currency Declaration
免税商品:Duty-Free Items

小丸子 发表于 2011-11-9 21:49


1. 公交车
确认是否乘对了车: Can I get to XXX on this bus? 问车费:How much is the fare?
问旁边人的这是哪站:Where are we? (因为很多城市根本不报站,没提示啊 亲,再次提醒,提前做好功课)

2. 问是否是这个地方下车
公交车的话,抓旁边的人问 Excuse me, I am going to XX , should I get off at this stop?
火车的话,Excuse me, I am going to XX , should I get off at this station? (这里科普下,有的车厢没有提示,广播又很难听懂...这时候,你要做的是 提前了解这条路线经过那些站,以及注意牌子 <--- 车减速进站时,窗外会看到一个一闪而过的牌子)P.S. 再次提醒,身边的人可能不爱理你(因为好多人是住郊区,坐火车上下班,对沿途不关心,确实不知道是哪里什么的) 记着换人问~

3. 出租车
上车告诉司机去哪里: XXXX hotel, please. 或者拿着酒店名片/地址等,说: Take me to this address, please
让司机打开后备箱:Could you help me open the boot?
问价格:How much is the fare (其实司机会主动告诉你的)

小丸子 发表于 2011-11-9 21:51



1. 入住 Check in
Hi, I have a reservation and I am checking in。

* 他们可能会要你的信用卡,冻结点钱,防止你搞破坏,或者看付费频道后逃跑......

* 这里的一个常见问题是问早餐几点开始: What time do you start serving breakfast?

2. 退房 Check out
同样,你就说  I'd like to Check out, please 然后给他们钥匙就成了!
* 如果你有额外消费(收费节目,吃了冰箱的东西等),酒店会对你说:
  "Your credit card will be charged a total of $256.78. Can you sign on the bottom?"
  "Should we charge the credit card on file or did you want to use a different card?"
* 如果你不知道几点check out,可以提前一天问前台:
  What time do I have to check out tomorrow?* 如果你一人搞不定行李,希望有人来帮忙,可以电话前台:
  Could you sent someone up for my luggage?
* 如果想寄存行李:
  Is it possible to leave my luggage here until XX(时间)

3. 让酒店前台帮忙叫出租车:
Hello, I am going to XXXX, Could you please call me a taxi?
I'd like to go to XXXXX, Could you please help me to book a taxi at 时间.

4. 其他:
* check in后,酒店可能会问你是否need help with your bags,需要的话...记得给小费,不想给就自己来,就说 No thanks 就好。
* 如果你要人给你清扫房间,可以对前台说:Could you get someone to clean my room, please?
* 如果想去别的地方,比如市中心,可以问前台: How do I get to city center from here? Can I take a bus or do I have to take a taxi? 或者 Do you have a map of the city ?
* 如果要前台推荐吃饭的地方可以说: Can you recommend a good restaurant around here?
* 如果房间里什么东西坏了: There is something wrong with XXX.
* 隔壁太吵:It is very noisy next door.

小丸子 发表于 2011-11-9 21:51


麦当劳:.... welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order? ...
你: I'll take a Big Mac and a small coke. (当然,要套餐最容易,直接说 No.7 please 就可以。)
麦当劳: One Big Mac and One small coke, Will that be all?
你: Yes
麦当劳: Will that be for here or to go?
你: For here please.
麦当劳: The total comes to 5欧
你:..... 给钱.......

可乐换成别的:Can I change the coke to juice?
不加冰:No Ice, please
单词提醒:番茄酱 Ketchup, 餐饮纸 Napkin或者tissue, 吸管 Straw

P.S.我要点XXX 这个,比较简单的说法就是 I'll have XX 或者 I'll take XX,更礼貌的说法是 I'd like to have/take XXX, 不礼貌的说法是 Can I get XXX.

请先回顾下自己常喝咖啡的大体名字,Black coffe, Latte, Cappuccino,忘记发音的话,可以自行去星巴克复习~
要咖啡,可以简单的 XXX,please 完成,也可以完整的说, Please give me a cup of XXX 完成。

进餐馆时,如果有人招待,可能会问你 Welcome to XX. Do you have a reservation?
你可以说 No, Do you have any free tables right now? ..... 然后他会给你带到桌子那里去
如果你不满意,比如想找个靠窗的桌子,可以说 Could we get a table by the window?

Would you like to order a drink now? / What would you like to drink.
如果你不想花钱喝饮料,直接说 Water will be fine 或者 Can I have a glass of water? 就成!
想喝东西的话可以说 I'll take a coke, I'll have an orange juice, 或者你可以问下 What kind of drinks do you have?等。

May I take your order? /. What would like to order? / Are you ready to order?

如果你还没想好,说 Can I have a couple more minutes? 或者说 We need a few minutes to decide.
想好了,服务生走了,可以说 waiter/waitress, may I order?
I'll take the Salisbury steak.... (不会发音, 那就指着菜单说 I'll take this,或者this one, this one的也成)

Would you like toast, a muffin, or a cornbread?  不想要继续 No thanks 。
...... 然后就可以等着,然后吃饭了!

How is everything? Is everything ok? How is your dinner? Do you need anything else?
其实...就是问你是否还想要点别的,多赚点钱....话说回来一开始你也确实不用把甜点啊什么都点了... 如果你觉得味道还行可以说 Yes, that was a really great meal. We both loved it. 然后餐馆可能会说 Is there anything else I can get you? 不要就是No thanks,要的话....就继续take这个那个好了。

Would you like dessert today?  / Would you like our dessert menu?  
不要的话,no thanks继续,要的话可以要个dessert menu,然后继续take这个那个的。

Can I have my check? 或者 Check, please.

Could you please pack up these (指东西)

I'd like to book a table for X people, We'll come at XXpm today。

how much longer do we have to wait? 或者
how many people are waiting in front of us?

要菜单: menu, please.
等半天没上菜: We haven't got our food yet / I placed my order 30 minutes ago
上菜给上错了: I didn't order this.
结帐了,钱算错了:We didn't order this / What's this 10 dollars for
要个打包袋子:Could you give me  a doggie bag?

* 如果想多要个盘子什么的:please give me one more table/knife/fork/cup等等。
* 如果你不知道是直接给钱还是收钱的那块给钱(这句话说的很别扭...) 可以拿了check后说 Excuse me, do we pay here or at the case register.
* 如果你不知道餐费里是不是包含了小费,你可以直接问:Is the tip included in the check? 人家说No的话就掏钱吧.....
* 另外...有时候很饿又找不到餐馆,问路时就是 Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?

问能保鲜多久:How long does it stay fresh?

Q. 牛排或者牛肉类的生熟度如何表达?
A. 全熟不见血是 Well done,中间粉色是 Medium,再生一点是 Medium Rare,三分熟也就是切开后一片粉色是 Rare

Q. 蒸烤炒这些做菜方式的英文是什么?
A. 煮(boil) 比如鸡蛋;  煎(fry) 比如牛排,薯条;烤(roast) 烤箱里的各种肉;蒸(steam) 一般是蒸蔬菜


Appetizers 前菜/开胃菜,有时候也叫Finger Food/Snacks/Starters
Salads (and Soups) 沙拉/汤,有时候也较Garden Fresh或者Low-fat Selections等
Sandwiches 三明治,不解释了...我很喜欢。
Italian 意式菜,比如Pasta,Spaghetti(面条状的那种意大利面),Pizza,如果进了家餐馆发现东西贵,或者觉得不值时,点个Pizza就好,在大多数餐厅都是物美价廉,可以让人吃饱的选择!
Main Course 主菜,也叫Entrée,Main Dish,比如牛排Steak这类都是叫主菜。
Sides 附菜,比如说薯条French Fries
Seafood 海鲜啦,大家想吃海鲜大排档等等时,就盯着大照片上有没有Seafood这个大字哈!普通餐厅里的seafood有时候指的是smoked salmon(熏三文鱼)这种,没有大家想像中的lobster,crab这些。
Mexican 墨西哥菜式..这个不懂了,不乱说。
Specialties 特色菜系,每家餐厅的拿手菜,价格合适的话,可以点一个尝尝的!
Desserts 甜品,也叫Sweets,比如cheesecake(这个很好很好),apple pie这些。
Beverages 非酒精类饮品,也叫Drinks, 比如Coke,Milk,各种Juice啦。
Wine and Beer 酒精类饮品,这里面的种类就太多,随意点吧。

boiled: 煮的
stir-fried: 炒的
somked: 烟熏的

creamy: 奶油的
spicy: 辛辣的
Jumbo: 大个的
chunky: 块状的,形容蔬菜或者肉
seasonal: 时蔬的“时”字,就是根据季节而选择的材料,菜单上不印出,比如seasonal fruit。
home style/homemade:厨师自制的,而不是买的,一般形容一些调料是厨师自己做的,新鲜什么的~

meat: 红肉, 常见的是猪肉(pork) 牛肉(beef) 羊肉(lamb)
cold meat: 冷肉,比如培根(bacon) 火腿(ham) 腊肠(salami)
poultry: 家禽类,比如鸡(chicken) 火鸡(turkey) 鹅(goose) 鸭(duck)
game: 野味, 比如家兔(rabbit) 野兔(hare) 松鸡(partridge) 野鸡(pheasant)
fish: 鱼类,比如石斑鱼(grouper) 金枪鱼(tuna) 三文鱼(salmon) 鳕鱼(cod) 鳟鱼(trout)
seafood:海鲜,比如对虾(prawn) 小虾(shrimp) 龙虾(lobster) 扇贝(scallops) 青口(mussels) 螃蟹(crab) 鱿鱼(squid) 章鱼(octopus) 生蚝(oyster)  蛤蜊(clam)
vegetables: 蔬菜,比如洋葱(onion) 黄瓜(cucumber) 西红柿(tomato) 玉米(corn)
fruit: 水果,比如木瓜(papaya) 火龙果(pitaya) 菠萝(pineapple) 榴莲(durian) 山竹(mangosteen) 芒果(mango) 西瓜(watermelon)
soup: 汤
salad: 沙拉
主食:意大利通心粉(pasta) 意大利细面条(spaghetti) 比萨(pizza) 米饭(rice) 面包(bread) 面条(noodle)
佐料:糖(sugar) 盐(salt) 辣椒(pepper) 蒜(garlic) 黄油(butter)

小丸子 发表于 2011-11-9 21:51


一般店员会问:May I help you? 或者 Can I help you find something?
我一般就是 I'm just looking around. 呵呵,如果你确实在找东西,比如要个小号的衬衫,那就是Yes, Do you have this shirt in a smaller size?或者 Where are your blue jeans 这类。
Can I try this shoe on in a seven?  /  Can I get this in a size six? (或者你就是想问是否能试试,那 Can I try it on? 这种就OK了)
I don't know what my size is, can you take my measurement?
但句型很简单: Where can I find xxx? / Do you sell XX here?
* 问试衣间在哪里: Where is the fitting room?  试过后觉得不合适需要小号,I think I need a smaller size.
* 问是否能刷卡 Can I pay by credit card.
* 确认衣服是不是打折: It's on sale, right?
* 问店什么时候开门,什么时候关门: What time do you open in the morning?  /  What time do you close?
* 最后补一个......最初学者....购物必问句: How much is it?

衣服单词:gloves - 手套,boots - 靴子,socks - 袜子,jeans - 仔裤,jacket - 夹克,skirt - 短裙,hat - 帽子,shoes - 鞋,belt - 皮带,shirt - 衬衫 ,boxers - 男士短裤

问这货多少钱:How much is it? 问是否接受信用卡:Do you accept credit card?
表达太贵: It is too expensive  如果想表达一种磨叽价格的感觉,则是 It is little pricey 或者说 It is out of my price range 都可以
想直接砍价:Can you give me a better deal?
想表达这价格接受不了,我再去其他店逛逛:I will shop around for a while.

小丸子 发表于 2011-11-9 21:52


I have booked a  car online?
How do I pay?
Can I pay by credit card?
Can I put it on my card?
This is the rental contract. If you have no questions,
please sign here.
There is a small scratch on the left side.
You can drive the car home after you examine it.
Do I have to return the car to this agency?
Fill it up, please... Regular.
The headlight has stopped working

automatic transmission 自动换挡
driving license/driver’s license 驾照
driving record 驾驶记录
pick up the car 取车
drop off the car 还车
drop-off date 还车日
drop-off location 还车地点
empty tank 空箱(汽油)
extra insurance 额外保险
full tank 满箱(汽油)
gas pedal ['pedl] 油门
Liability [,laiə'biləti] Insurance 第三方责任险
One Way Rentals 单程租赁
Rental Agreement 租赁协议
make a reservation [,rezə'veiȓən] 预定
manual transmission 手动换档
mileage ['mailidʒ] 英里数
neutral gear 空档
on weekdays 非假日= during the week
on weekends 周末假日
over time 超时
park/car-park 停车场
parking fee 停车费
pick up the car 取车
pick-up date 取车日
pick-up location 取车地点
rental agreement 租约;租赁合同
rental car agent 租车代理员
rental charge 租金
rental period 租期
return the car 还车
Child Seat 儿童座椅
reverse [ri'və:s] gear [DZiə] 倒车档
scratch [skrætȓ] 刮痕
shift the gear 换档
to get insurance for the car 替车子保险
transfer 接送服务
unlimited mileage ['mailidʒ] 不限里程
upgrade 升级
voucher ['vautȓə] 租车凭证
grand total 总计
tank 油箱

Motor Caravan 房车
Campervan 露营车
Dump Station 可供房车倾倒(厕所)污水的地方
Caravan holiday park 房车公园
Camping Site  露营地
Cabin  小屋 (房车公园里的小屋)

Could you please exchange this into the US Dollar.

Could you tell me where is the rest room?
(或者说 men's room ,lady's room,用wc, toilet 对方可能表示疑惑)

Excuse me, Do you know where the XXXX is?
可能回答(有很多种说法,一路问下去即可 ... 但话说,有个东西叫Google Map,可以步行导航 )
Turn right after you pass McDonalds.
When you see a church on your left hand side, turn right on the next street.
Go down the street, turn left on Williams street, and it will be right around the corner from the gas station.
It's pretty far from here, Go on Williams Street for about 2 miles, you'll see it next to a school.

mjmjmj000 发表于 2012-3-9 08:37



mjmjmj000 发表于 2012-3-25 14:36



ice 发表于 2012-7-5 12:32



BOBO妈 发表于 2012-9-5 22:31



小丸子 发表于 2012-9-6 13:16


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]BOBO妈 发表于 2012-9-5 22:31[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=20965&ptid=17883][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]

kingzyh 发表于 2012-10-26 14:59



精灵眼 发表于 2012-11-2 14:05


提供个买衣服的单词,均码free size

小丸子 发表于 2012-11-2 14:19


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]精灵眼 发表于 2012-11-2 14:05[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=24221&ptid=17883][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
提供个买衣服的单词,均码free size[/quote]
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